Making dreams come true in the Warm Heart of Africa

Our Vision

To unlock opportunities and improve lives in Cape Maclear, Malawi, through the power of education.

Mission Statement

We believe that education is key to realising one's full potential and creating a brighter future.

By providing access to quality education and vocational training, we empower students from low-income households to overcome barriers and achieve their dreams.

Our efforts aim to make a lasting impact on their lives, their families, and the entire community of Cape Maclear, Malawi.

Who are we?

Cape Maclear Learning and Development (CMLD) was founded by a team of volunteers from the UK and Ireland, who have called Cape Maclear (Malawi) their home for over a decade. Through close collaboration with the community, we identify high-achieving Malawian students who without financial assistance, would struggle to pursue secondary and university education.

Your generous donations allow us to provide scholarships and ongoing support, turning their dreams into reality. Additionally, we offer diverse vocational training, empowering both individuals and youth with valuable income-generating and life-enriching skills, fostering self-sufficiency and brighter futures.

To find out more about our team and to read our story, visit our About Us page.

For more general information about our organisation, jump to our FAQ section.

How it works

Support and Guidance

CMLD students are provided comprehensive support throughout their academic journey - receiving both financial assistance and continuous guidance - ensuring they have the necessary resources and mentorship to excel in their studies.

Vocational Training

CMLD goes beyond traditional education by offering valuable vocational training opportunities, equipping students with practical skills that empower them for success in their chosen fields.

Volunteering Opportunities

Are you interested in volunteering? We can provide you with all of the information you need to volunteer your time and skills in beautiful Cape Maclear, a small village on the Southern tip of Lake Malawi.

“CMLD paved a way towards my academic journey at a time when I was feeling downhearted about my future. I was given help not only with my school fees and my living costs, but also academic guidance, and I am now a degree holder because of the support I was given.

“Cape Maclear Learning and Development provides a hope to the hopeless.”

— Collins Jim, CMLD Graduate


The Legal Stuff

  • Yes, Cape Maclear Learning and Development (CMLD) is a registered charity (no 1202570) with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, and a registered NGO in Malawi (NGO/1/24/002). This official recognition ensures that we operate in compliance with established regulatory standards.

  • Yes, our website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For more information on how we use cookies and data, see our Privacy Policy.

  • Yes, we respect your privacy and are fully GDPR compliant, and always adhere to the latest guidance and storing your data.

    For more information on how we use data, see our Privacy Policy.

Making a donation

  • Making a donation is easy! You can visit our Donations page on our website, where you'll find various options for giving. We accept donations through secure online payment methods, including credit/debit cards.

  • We welcome both monetary and in-kind donations. Monetary donations can be made online, while in-kind donations like educational materials, equipment, and other resources can be coordinated with our team. Please contact us for details on making in-kind donations.

  • Yes, Cape Maclear Learning and Development is a registered charity and donations made to us are eligible for Gift Aid. When you make a donation, you will be given the option to apply for Gift Aid. Upon making a donation, you'll receive a receipt that can be used for tax purposes.

    What is Gift Aid?
    Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to benefit charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) in the UK. Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by 25%, allowing UK charities to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your donations – at no extra cost to the donors.

    If you are a UK tax payer, our charity can claim back 25p every time an individual donates £1 to our cause, allowing nonprofits to boost eligible donations by 25% at no extra cost to the donor.

    For more information, see the official UK goverment’s Gift Aid information page.

  • You have the flexibility to choose! We appreciate both one-time and recurring donations. Recurring donations provide us with a consistent and reliable source of support, helping us plan and sustain our programs effectively.

    For detailed instructions on how to initiate a recurring donation, please refer to our Donation page.

  • Absolutely. We offer options for you to direct your donation towards specific areas of our work. You can choose to support our school/university sponsorship programs, vocational training initiatives, or allow us to allocate it to where it's needed most. Your generosity empowers us to make a difference.

How do we use donations?

  • Your donation plays a vital role in furthering our mission. It directly supports our programs, including scholarships, vocational training, and community development projects. We strive for transparency and accountability, and you can trust that your contribution will be utilised efficiently to create positive impact.

    For more information on how we choose the right students for scholarships, see our Support and Guidance page.

  • Your donation has a transformative impact on the lives of individuals and the broader community in Cape Maclear, opening up opportunities for education, skills development and economic empowerment, and ultimately contributing to sustainable, positive change.

    Malawi is a country where family ties remain strong - by donating to Cape Maclear Learning and Development, you are helping to improve the lives of both the individuals we mentor and that of their extended families, as once in full-time employment, many graduates will use their income to financially support their parents, grandparents and other members of their extended family.

  • At Cape Maclear Learning and Development (CMLD), we carefully identify and support high-achieving students facing financial barriers through our structured guidance programs, whilst our vocational training initiatives are designed to equip individuals with practical skills they can use to improve their daily lives.

    Through regular check-ins, progress assessments, and community involvement, we ensure your donations directly benefit those in need. Our commitment is to provide quality education and valuable life skills, creating a lasting impact on the lives of our beneficiaries.

    We maintain strict financial oversight and accountability measures. All donations are diligently tracked, and we provide regular updates on the progress of our programs.

  • For our secondary school students who attend government district or national schools, the school fees tend to range from £100 (GBP) to £200 per term. This includes Boarding fees.

    The total cost of an academic year, which consists of three terms, thereby ranges from £300 to £600 p/a, with secondary school programs spanning four years.

    For our university students enrolled in Government Universities, the annual tuition fees are approximately £1,000. In addition to this, we typically assist with supplementary expenses including accommodation and living costs, amounting to another £1,000 approx per academic year.

    University programs also generally extend over four years.

    (Last updated March 2024)

  • We employ a careful selection process at CMLD, collaborating closely with the local community leaders and educational institutions to identify high-achieving students facing financial barriers.

    These individuals have demonstrated exceptional academic performance, as well as maintaining positive behavior and attendance throughout their studies, as verified by their teachers.

    Our criteria ensure that scholarships reach those who truly need them, enabling us to break down financial barriers and open doors to education. For more information about our selection process, please see our Support and Guidance page.

Living and staying in Malawi

  • Malawi is a linguistically diverse country, with the official languages being English and Chichewa (also known as Chewa or Chinyanja).

    There are also several indigenous and regional languages spoken throughout the country, such as Chinyakyusa, Chiyao, Chitumbuka, Chilomwe, Chisena and Chilambya.

    Malawi is a great choice if you are considering visiting Africa for the first time, as English is widely spoken throughout. If you'd like to go a step further, learning just a few words and phrases in Chichewa will also ensure you're greeted with a smile wherever you go!

  • Malawi has electricity and running water infrastructure throughout the majority of the country, although the availability and reliability of these services can vary depending on the region and urbanisation level.

    Running Water
    Many urban areas and some towns have access to treated and piped water, although the supply and quality of this water can vary, and in some places there may be issues with interruptions or contamination.

    In rural areas, access to clean and piped water can be limited, and many people rely on alternative sources such as wells, boreholes, or rivers for their water needs. If you are planning a short visit to Malawi, we would recommend sticking to bottled water for drinking, which is readily available from shops in urban areas.

    Electricity is available in urban areas and many towns in Malawi, supplied by the main electricity provider ESCOM (Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi). While electricity is relatively reliable in urban areas, there can be frequent power outages in some regions due to infrastructure limitations and load shedding.

    In rural and remote areas, access to electricity may be limited, and people often rely on other energy sources like solar power or traditional methods.

  • Yes, Malawi has internet access, and internet usage has been growing in the country over the years. Internet access is available through various means including fixed broadband, mobile data and wireless networks. While urban areas tend to have better internet infrastructure and connectivity, mobile internet access has become more accessible and affordable - even in many rural areas - allowing a wider segment of the population to get online.

  • Vaccination requirements for travelling to Malawi may vary depending on your country of origin and your travel history. It's essential to check with a travel clinic, your healthcare provider, or the official website of your government's health department for the most up-to-date and specific recommendations for your trip.

    However, some vaccinations and health precautions that are often recommended for travellers to Malawi include:

    1. Yellow Fever:
    Yellow fever vaccination is required for travellers arriving from or transiting through countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission. Check if this requirement applies to your travel itinerary.

    2. Malaria:
    Malawi is in a malaria-endemic area. Taking antimalarial medication and using mosquito repellents and bed nets are highly recommended.

    3. Routine Vaccinations:
    Ensure that your routine vaccinations (such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) are up to date.

    4. Hepatitis A and B:
    Consider getting vaccinated for hepatitis A and B, especially if you plan to stay for an extended period or engage in activities that might put you at risk.

    5. Typhoid:
    Typhoid vaccination is advisable, particularly if you plan to eat or drink in areas with questionable hygiene and sanitation.

    6. Polio:
    Make sure your polio vaccination is up to date, as some countries still have reported cases of polio.

    7. Rabies:
    If you anticipate close contact with animals, especially in rural areas, consider a rabies vaccination.

    Remember that health recommendations can change, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or a travel medicine specialist well before your trip to get the most current advice and to allow time for any necessary vaccinations to take effect.

    Additionally, follow safety and hygiene practices while in Malawi, such as drinking bottled or treated water, and being cautious about food and water sources to reduce health risks.

  • Absolutely! Cape Maclear is a popular tourist destination on the southern shore of Lake Malawi, with a range of accommodation available for tourists including lodges, campsites, guesthouses and properties for private rental. Visitors come to Cape Maclear to enjoy the beautiful beaches, water activities, and the natural beauty of Lake Malawi National Park.

    There are options to suit various budgets, with a range of restaurants, bars and accommodation with lakefront views, although it’s advisable to make reservations in advance - especially during the high tourist season - to ensure you have a place to stay.

    Cape Maclear is a great place to relax, swim, snorkel, and explore the local culture and natural surroundings. Its known for its friendly atmosphere and is a popular destination for travellers seeking a beachside escape.

  • Malawi offers a variety of activities and attractions that cater to different interests. Here are some highlights:

    1. Lake Malawi: This is a must-visit destination. You can enjoy swimming, snorkelling, and relaxing on the beaches. The lake is famous for its colourful cichlid fish. 

    2. Wildlife Reserves: A great for wildlife enthusiasts. You can see the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhino) and many other animals.

    3. Mount Mulanje: Perfect for hiking and climbing. The views from the top are breathtaking, and it’s a great way to experience Malawi’s natural beauty.

    4. Zomba Plateau: Offers stunning views and is ideal for hiking, bird watching, and exploring waterfalls.

    5. Tea and Coffee Plantations:  Visit the plantations in the Thylo region to learn about tea and coffee production and enjoy some tastings.

    6. Cultural Experiences:  Engage with local communities, enjoy traditional dances, and try Malawian cuisine.

    Malawi is known as the “Warm Heart of Africa”, due to its friendly people, and welcoming atmosphere. 

  • Because we’ve lived out here in this beautiful country for many years now. Malawi is truly a wonderful place, although like many African nations it remains troubled by issues such as droughts, floods, and a lack of education for its population.

    To meet some of the people we’ve been able to help with funding their secondary and higher education, please see our Success Stories.

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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you!

If you’d like to find out more about our charity and how we sponsor our students, or if you're interested in volunteering in Cape Maclear, drop us a message on here and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Zikomo!

Cape Maclear Learning and Development
P.O. Box 90
Monkey Bay

Mangochi District
