Use the form below to make a donation to Cape Maclear Learning and Development. Any amount you donate will be gratefully received.

You can choose to make a one-time donation, or provide monthly donations to help us in our ongoing efforts, providing a lifeline for those who cannot afford education in Malawi.

Your generosity will have lasting consequences for many years to come - not only will you be providing individuals with confidence and a sense of purpose, but also the opportunity to provide for their families, often across multiple generations.

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Help make a lasting difference to people in Malawi

About Malawi’s Education System

Malawi is a landlocked country in southern Africa with a population of approximately 20.4 million, ranks 174 out of 189 countries on the human development index, making it one of the poorest nations globally 1.

The Importance of Education in Malawi:  Education is one of the key sectors that can help Malawi achieve its development goals and vision.

However, the education system in Malawi faces many challenges such as low enrollment, high dropout, low literacy, poor quality, and gender inequality. In January 2021, the government launched the Malawi 2063 Vision, aiming to transform Malawi into a wealthy, self-reliant, industrialized upper-middle-income country by 2063, through a focus on education and skills development. 3

Education System Overview: Malawi follows an 8-4-4 education system, encompassing eight years of primary school, four years of secondary school, and four years of university education.

Key Statistics Highlighting Challenges:

  • The teacher-student ratio in Malawi for primary school was 1:130 in 2019 2

  • Unlike primary school, which is free for all children, secondary and tertiary education are not free ,requiring students to pay fees and pass exams to enroll and continue.

  • Enrollment rates in 2019 were 83% for primary school (ages 6-13), 16% for lower secondary school (ages 14-15) , and 10%  for upper secondary school (ages 16-17) 2.

  • Dropout rates in 2019/20  were for primary school in,  87%  for lower secondary school and 96%  for upper secondary school 2 3.

  • Reasons for student dropout include, poverty, early marriage, pregnancy, gender-based violence, cultural norms, distance to school, lack of learning materials, poor quality of education, and health issues 2 5.

  • In 2019, more boys than girls enrolled and completed secondary school, with only 84 girls completing secondary education for every 100 boys2.

  • The literacy rate in 2018 was  62% (ages 15 and above) ,  73% for youth (ages 15-24) and 78% for children (ages 7-14) 2 5.

While these challenges persist, positive strides are being made. At Cape Maclear Learning and Development we are dedicated to transforming lives through education. Join us in making a lasting impact on Malawi's educational landscape.

Can I donate in other ways?

We welcome both monetary and in-kind donations. Monetary donations can be made online via the form above, while in-kind donations like educational materials, equipment, and other resources can be coordinated with our team.

You can also volunteer your time and expertise in the beautiful town of Cape Maclear, Malawi. For more information on volunteering with our charity, see our volunteering opportunities.