Support and Guidance


Selection Criteria 

Cape Maclear Learning and Development (CMLD) is committed to enabling access to quality secondary and tertiary education for bright students whose families simply cannot afford the fees. These students, referred to as 'high-performing,' have excelled in government exams and secured places in government secondary schools or universities. Their outstanding academic record, commendable attendance, and positive conduct, as affirmed by their teachers, further qualify them for our support.

Secondary Education

For secondary education, our selection criteria are as follows:

  • Students must have completed their studies and examinations at Cape Maclear Government Primary School. They should have successfully passed the Primary School Leaving Certificate Exam (PSLCE) and gained admission to government secondary schools. We verify that the students have passed their exams, from information made available on the Government website Malawi National Exams Board:

  • The Primary School teachers, along with the School Management Committee and local community leaders, identify the top achievers and those facing the greatest financial need for school fees.

  • In cases where funding is insufficient to support all eligible students  selection for CMLD support among PSLCE graduates prioritises those with the highest grades.  

Tertiary Education

As for tertiary education at government universities, the eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Prospective university students will have previously received support for their secondary education, allowing us to have insight into their financial situation, academic aptitude, and potential.

  • Admission to university hinges on Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) results. We verify that the students have passed their exams, from information made available on the Government website Malawi National Exams Board:

  • Students must provide CMLD with a confirmation letter from the university offering them a place.

  • In cases where funding is insufficient to support all eligible students, preference will be given to those with the highest MSCE results.

  • We sponsor students pursuing tertiary education exclusively within government university institutions.

Through this sponsorship program, we aim to create equal opportunities for promising students to realise their academic potential and contribute positively to their communities.


Guiding Secondary School students towards success

At Cape Maclear Learning & Development (CMLD), we believe in a hands-on approach to student support. When a student is identified as needing assistance, we take the time to meet with both the student and their parents. This initial meeting allows us to understand their unique needs and challenges.

Throughout the academic year, we maintain regular check-ins with our students. At the end of each term, we sit down with them to review their progress and ensure they are on track. If a student is facing difficulties, we step in with extra help.

One of our key strategies is promoting peer to peer teaching. Students who have received help are encouraged to support and assist their peers.  This collaborative learning approach not only benefits struggling students but also reinforces the sense of community within our educational programs.

By actively engaging with students and providing tailored support, we aim to foster an environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Guiding University Students Towards Success

Just as with our secondary school students, we believe in providing unwavering support to our university scholars. When a university student joins our program, we ensure a warm welcome by meeting with them and their parents to understand their unique academic journey.

As the semester progresses, we maintain a steady line of communication. At the end of each semester, we review their progress and address any challenges they may face. If a student encounters difficulties, we step in with additional assistance.

One distinctive feature of our program is the emphasis on peer to peer  mentorship. University students who have benefited from our support are encouraged to give back by assisting secondary school students, especially during holidays. This reciprocal learning dynamic not only helps struggling students but also strengthens the sense of community within our educational initiatives.

Through these personalised efforts, we aim to create an environment where every student, including those pursuing higher education, has the opportunity to excel. It is through this steadfast commitment that we are able to witness remarkable transformations and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

Njati zimagwidwa ndi zingwe, munthu ndi mawu ake

“Buffaloes are held by ropes, man by his words.”

~ Malawian Proverb